Sunday, December 11, 2005

Random News and Notes

Christmas Vacation is by far my favorite holiday season movie.

: Since this is Aunt Bethany's 80th Christmas, I think she should lead us in the saying of Grace.
Aunt Bethany
: What dear?
: Grace!
Aunt Bethany
: Grace? She passed away thirty years ago.
Uncle Lewis
: They want you to say grace. The BLESSING!
Aunt Bethany
: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
: Amen.
A Christmas Together by John Denver and The Muppets is by far my favorite holiday season album. From Ms. Piggy's rendition of Christmas is Coming:

Ms. Piggy: Scooter?
Scooter: Yes Ma'am
Ms. Piggy: Gonzo?
Gonzo: Check
Ms. Piggy: Robin?
Robin: Yes Ms. Piggy.
Ms. Piggy: This is what we are going to sing. Ahem.
If you are tired of the traditional holiday flicks then do yourself a favor and add Mad Hot Ballroom to your Netflix queue along with March of the Penguins and watch them with your family this season.

Both documentaries are inspiring and uplifting. In Mad Hot Ballroom you'll witness how a dance competition in New York City can inspire fifth graders that otherwise would be written off by society. And in March of the Penguins you'll be moved by the selflessness of the Emperor penguin.
3rd Sunday of Advent
Theme: Joy

In the midst of waiting for Christ to come, we are reminded that joy is given to us now. Tonight, at Christ's Church for Brooklyn, we all shared moments in our lives when we have experienced pure, unfettered joy. It was incredible to hear the stories of others and to see their faces light up as they remembered joyful events.
Ira is still sick. I think he is getting better but he's still congested and having a hard time breathing. His cough is still deep but not as often. To top things off, I think he's getting more teeth. (Have I mentioned that he has two teeth?) Poor kid can't catch a break. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers over the weekend.


Blogger sirEller said...

Another bit of Xmas Vacation trivia, is the listing of ELLER on Santa's list as the movie begins.
However, it has come to my attention, that the list is those who relate most to the Grizwolds family Christmas.
Merry Christmas Hays family.

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe, you should watch and then recommend "Millions" as a great Christmas movie. It definitely throws down a challenge about giving rather than receiving in a touching and funny way.

love you and miss you, Jackie

10:15 AM  
Blogger Vicki said...

My family (both physical and spiritual) is praying for Ira's congestion to be gone.

10:43 AM  

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