Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Have You Seen Clerks or Clerks II?

I have not seen Clerks or the new sequel, Clerks II, but I did hear writer-director, Kevin Smith, interviewed by Steve Inskeep on NPR. At one point, Inskeep notes that in many of Smith's movies, two themes can be found - comics and God. Smith replies, "Yeah, I'm a big fan of both, actually."

From what I understand, Clerks is about a couple of guys who work in a convenience store. In Clerks II, the guys make a parallel move from working in a convenience store to working in a fastfood joint. Inskeep makes a comment about the possibility of a Clerks III and how "sad" it would be if these same guys were still working in a meaningless, minimum-wage job. That's when Smith gives Inskeep and all those listening a life lesson: being or living is not about your job, how much you make or what title you have. He makes his point effortless and from Inskeep's silence, the hearer can tell that Bible class is in session. Listen for yourself. It's only a seven minute interview. You won't be disappointed.



Blogger Katie said...

Oh, that's just too good. I love it when kingdom-of-God talk breaks out in strange places. Thanks, Joe, for providing the click.

peace -- Kate

4:22 PM  
Blogger kel said...

i heard that interview too. i love npr. i didn't really like clerks though. i thought it was a lot of griping from a couple of guys who weren't very interesting. i do want to see clerks two. i think i would've liked clerks a lot if i would've gotten the message out of it that kevin smith was discussing in the interview, but i just didn't pick up on it at all. i'm hoping clerks two will have it. but if not, i hope it's funny.

1:04 AM  
Blogger Chel said...

My brother turned me on to Kevin Smith years ago, insisting that I watch all of his movies order. I've seen several Smith interviews through the years, and he's very up front about his Catholic upbringing. "Dogma" is challenging to many commonly held beliefs, but it's also a movie that should inspire Christians to think.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Dana M. said...

I have not seen Clerks I or II, and I have to admit that I probably will not see them because of the crude humor. That's not a judgement statement for anyone else--that's just my reason for not seeing them.

However, I did see "Dogma" and now own it. (Yes, I understand the contadiction in that from my previous statement, but I'm trying to grow). "Dogma" has some pretty cool commentary about religious traditions and our personal relationships with God that is very insightful and very funny. I recommend it if you're willing to tolerate the language or if you can see a clean version like they show on airplanes.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Drew Battistelli said...

Be careful with who/whom you speak of this movie. If you've seen it the 190+ curse words, the salnder and abuse of God's name and Christ's name multiple times, the racial slander and sexual content may not go over so well.

This is one I think I could manage to let slide that the kingdom of God talk should be involved. Quite possibly, it's ok- but not reccommended.

It's like many people in Thailand who believe Christians sleep around and do drugs and kill beacuse that's what they see in our movies which come from a "Christian" nation.

12:39 PM  

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