Friday, February 04, 2005

Just finished delivering food. It was a good night for delivering. People were in a generous mood. It's been a long day though. We spent our morninig at the hospital having an ultrasound.

Ira was in no mood for it. He kicked the probe wherever it was located on Laura's belly and wiggled his way into a position that was not condusive for optimal viewing. It was as if he was saying, "leave me alone. I'm just fine in here." Laura and I got a kick out of that. No new news this time. He continues to grow and there is still no sign of excess fluid in his chest which is good. They still can't figure out what that mass is on the right side: liver? CCAM? But it's there, still making it hard for that right lung that he so desperately needs to be somewhat developed at birth. Ugh.

We are so thankful for our good friend Beth who so willingly watched Sophia while we did the doctor thing. Our doctor visits aren't short usually taking at the minimum three to four hours. Thank you Beth for your help. She much enjoyed her time with you and your dog, Mia.


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