Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A Belated Father's Day Greeting
(this was written on Father's Day)

I'm sitting by Ira's bed. I'm having a hard time having a "happy father's day"! I had no idea that fatherhood was this hard. That it cost this much in emotional currency. That I would be asked to put away selfish desires for the sake of my daughter or son. I had no idea what I was getting into.

Being a father to Sophia and Ira has changed everything for me. It's changed how I look at this world. It's changed how I love. It's changed my perspective on what's important and what's not important.

And because all this happening within me as I mature as a father it makes me appreciate you even more, dad. I'm beginning to see you have spent much in emotional currency on behalf of us, your kids. You have put away selfish desires for us. I can see how it has changed your outlook on the world. You have changed how you love. You have a healthy view of what's important and what's not. I love you. Thanks for being my dad.


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