Friday, October 14, 2005

Teresa of Avila on Prayer

I have much to say about prayer and yet, nothing at all to say about it. I want to talk about what it is and what it is not and yet, I want to steer clear because I still wonder about its function in this world. Today, I'll let Teresa of Avila teach us.

I came across a great article about Teresa in Sojourners Magazine. This 16th century mystic was all about action. She said in her work The Interior Castle that the single clearest test of our love for God is whether we are loving one another in tangible ways.

Teresa was well aware that action is born out of prayer so she suggested the following: cultivate silence, stillness, and surrender. Only when we have restrained the urge to impose our own remedies upon this broken world can we hear what is truly needed. And then she implores of us, "this is what I would like for you to strive for, friends. We should engage in prayer--thrist for it, even--not because it feels good, but because it gives us the strength to be of service."

I pray hesitantly because I know God will use me, will demand of me, action.


Blogger JTB said...

Reading Teresa of Avila's The Interior Castle was one of the better things about this hellish process they call "comps." One of the first things I noticed was how down-to-earth she is, even when writing about spiritual union with God through mystical prayer. After the quote in your post, she adds: "In sum, my sisters, what I conclude with is that we shouldn't build castles in the air. The Lord doesn't look so much at the greatness of our works as the love with which they are done. And if we do what we can, His Majesty will enable us each day to do more and more."

She also makes it clear at the beginning that though not everyone can reach to the heights of spiritual union through the path of prayer she describes, that everyone can serve their neighbor in love.

7:17 PM  
Blogger jch said...

Kris, your truthful comments are welcome here anytime. In fact, I would love to hear more of your thoughts. I'm off to the hospital this Saturday morning but will write more later as you have said some incredibly good stuff.


7:28 AM  

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