Thursday, October 06, 2005

The End

I've been reading quite a bit lately and I've noticed a pattern in me. I hate finishing a book. I get all sad and mopey and I put off finishing because I'm never really ready to leave the world I've immersed myself in. It's certainly been an escape for me recently.

My wife gave me A Million Little Pieces by James Frey last week. I was a little skeptical because it had Oprah's Book Club sticker on it. However, the book is amazing. It's a true account of a guy who goes through six weeks of rehab. I highly recommend it.

After being admitted into the clinic James is seen by a medical doctor. An excerpt:
He looks at the file, he takes a deep breath. He leans back in his chair and he looks at me. He speaks.
You have done significant damage to your nose, your throat, your lungs, your stomach, your bladder, your kidneys, your liver and your heart. I have never seen so much and such extensive damage in someone so young. We would need to do more tests to know the specific extent of it, and if you want them done we can facilitate that, but from what I have here, I know a few important things. The first is that you are lucky to be alive. The second is that if you ever have another drink or use any type of hard drug again, there is a good chance that you will die. The third is that if you start drinking or using drugs regularly, you will be dead within a few days. Your body has suffered from a pattern of such profound and prolonged abuse that it will not hold up anymore.
I look at Docter Baker.
You got anything else to say to me?
I hope you'll trust us, I hope you'll give us a chance to help you, and I hope to god you're here tomorrow.
I appreciate your time and your efforts. Both of you. Thank you.
I stand and I open the door and I walk out of the Room and I shut the door behind me and I head back to my Room. Although I have just been told that further use of alcohol and drugs is going to kill me, and kill me soon, what I want right now is a nice strong drink and a blast of rock. I want them badly. Get something. I want them so badly. Fill me. I would kill for them. Get something. Kill for them. Fill me.


Blogger sirEller said...

Well that sure reminds me of the Celebrate Recovery ministry I am involved in at church. Addictions of this kind do not only show up in our lives in the form of drugs, alcohol, pornography, affairs, but also in the "small" sins of lying, gossip, slander... they are all seperating us from life with God in their own ways. We are addicted to sin. It's so hard to just let go sometimes, isn't it. Even when we see the consequences of what we have done, we still want more.
Step1: We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable.
"I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out."(Romans 7:18)

10:08 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Joe, I know what you mean about grieving the end of a book. As you know, I LOVE the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. There are seven novels in the series and I seriously fell in love with the Gunslinger and his compadres. King wrote the books slowly, over a lot of years, and I read each one hungrily when they came out. When I got to Book Seven and realized that these characters and their quest were about to be out of my life, I started reading s-l-o-w-l-y to make it last a couple of hours longer. Impossible.

I guess the coolest thing is, I never would've guessed this would be a feeling I would share with you, brother! Glad you told us.

peace -- Katie

2:59 PM  
Blogger Casey. said...

I share your feelings of sadness when a book ends. That's why to tend to re-read things. I'm this way with movies, too. I get so wrapped up in the lives of the characters that I want to know what happens to them next. But I guess it's impossible to be there for their whole journey. That would be the longest book ever. So I've actually come to prefer the ones that just end...with no rhyme or reason. I look forward to our next book swap.

11:29 PM  

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