Tuesday, August 28, 2007

change is in the air

Yep, you're in the right place. Don't go anywhere!

Four years ago I started blogging about my experience as a church planter in New York City. I didn't get much traffic back then and didn't expect any. And then December of 2004 happened. We found out about Ira at Laura's 20 week sonogram and my blogging took a turn. And this site started getting some visits. For a long while, this blog became a source for all things Ira and my family. Eventually, I started posting on other matters of this world while still relaying news of Ira's progress.

No, this isn't an announcement that I'm done blogging. It's just a heads up that things are shifting once again. After a four year relationship with blogger.com, I'm moving over to the more popular and user friendly wordpress. And because life is shifting at the Hays household, so will the content of the blog. Don't worry, I'll still pass on Ira's milestones and post ridiculous videos of my family but I'm very excited to tell you about our church and church life. This next year at Christ's Church for Brooklyn is going to be incredible.

So in the next couple of days, if you come to this address (brooklynchurchplant.blogspot.com) you'll be automatically redirected to ccfb.wordpress.com. I hope to see you there for more blogging fun!



Blogger Zeb and Ally Pent said...

Joe, I am moved to worship when I see what the Lord has done in your lives the last 4 years, and am thankful to know that He will complete the work He has started!

5:16 PM  
Blogger Zeb and Ally Pent said...

Also, do you still plan on blogging about all kinds of random things, or will content be CCFB specific? I would hate it if you were unable to blog about things like the Yankees not making the playoffs, or Fred Thompson becoming President, etc...

5:17 PM  
Blogger jch said...

I will definitely blog on how incredible the Yankees are and how wonderful it will be to see a fresh face in the Oval Office. :)

You can count on random stuff coming from me!

6:16 PM  

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