Wednesday, January 18, 2006

O Suburbia, how I miss thee!

Today is the kind of day when all us New Yorkers wished we lived in Suburbia, USA. Why? Because then we could go into our garages and get into our cars without ever having to deal with the weather.

Here in the city it's raining...horizontally. That means that umbrellas are absolutely worthless. That means that you get soaked. And the mildly cold weather doesn't help things either. Today is the kind of day that everyone complains about being a New Yorker and having to deal with commuting by foot.

Tomorrow, we'll be bragging that no place is like New York and that we absolutely couldn't imagine living anywhere else but today? Not so much. Give us a car. Give us a garage. Give us suburbia!
Ira's been stable the last couple of days. The nights have been relatively uneventful which is a good thing. The swelling in his head is back but minimal compared to what it was. The surgeons have concluded that Ira does indeed have a recurrence of his hernia but won't deal with it - meaning another surgery - until Ira is better able to handle such a procedure. I can't quite describe to you how rare it is for a CDH to recur a third time. The second recurrence back in August wasn't such a shock. But this one is. This will make Ira's hospital stay even longer and his recovery even harder. My response to this? "You've got to be kidding me." They weren't kidding.


Blogger Cathy said...

Third time lucky.
Be strong baby boy.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Chad said...


We've got the same storm up here. Umbrella? Useless - it makes things wetter, if that's possible. I miss suburbia too (at least occasionally)!


3:05 PM  
Blogger Casey. said...

I had to retire a good umbrella today. That's always the saddest sight on a day like this, the hordes of umbrellas discarded at every corner trashcan, or as it is New York, just in the middle of the street. You know that somewhere there are the hordes of wet, angry people who belong to those bitterly retired umbrellas. Blessings to you all....

5:03 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Those are the days I am so grateful for our garage. there's nothing more annoying than putting a kid in the car while your back is getting soaked.

6:29 PM  
Blogger Vicki said...

I love stability and uneventful days.

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. i remember that. one day I made the 2 block march to the subway, by which time I was soaked from the waist down. the trains got delayed, my boss understood, but I had to work all day in barefeet since my socks were soaked to the core. At lunch i had to go buy some more, which got thoroughly wet later from my already wet shoes.

Na, don't miss it. :) but i miss you guys! In the words of the "All American Rejects" move along, Ira. Move along. :)

10:13 PM  

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