Thursday, February 16, 2006

More of the same...

Ira is doing OK

Things with Ira are about the same, and the same is both good and not so good. His condition hasn't gotten any worse, but it hasn't improved as much as anyone had hoped. It was another very tough weekend. Ira had to be bagged and he was extubated again from throwing up. Adding to this, the 'step down' program for getting Ira detoxed from the drugs he is on is very hard on Ira and excruciating for those who stand by his bed.

One of the families the Hayses got to know in the PICU lost there son early Wednesday morning. It was extremely hard on them, especially Joe's mom and Laura. The similarities between this 11 year old boy and Ira were eery to say the least. This boy's problems weren't a result of a CDH but he had the same lung/heart/pulmonary issues that Ira is dealing with. This boy came in the day before Ira and they had similar journies in the PICU. As this boy was dying on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, Ira began to decline as well, and ended up having a very hard night. He started de-satting at midnight and they had a hard time stabilzing him. He was bagged several times. Unfortunately this is nothing new really which illustrates the first sentence of this post.


Blogger Vicki said...

Thank you for the update, Jason. They don't come nearly often enough for those of us who have no other connection.

Praying always... not only for Ira and his family, but also for the family whose 11 month old baby went Home.

11:17 AM  
Blogger songbirdintl said...

words cannot express.... we are praying for the Hays and all you guys and for the family whose son went home.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Flint Academy said...

Joe, Laura and family, reading about the loss of the boy you came to care about in the picu made me realize again how this world that you spend so many of your days and nights in can seem to far removed from everything outside the walls and doors of the hospital. What has become commonplace for you would be unimaginable for most of us yet you have no choice but to put on your best face and be there for your son and the other parents who are also there standing beside the bed of their child. Time is no longer measured the same way. Seconds can mean everything in certain situations and yet in other situations hours and days must seem eternal. And the great challenge of balancing being mom and dad to both of your little ones has to add to your daily stresses. I remember one Sunday at Fortress when you both visited and we were talking about suffering and asked the question of God's purpose in all of it. I think many people responded with what would be good answers yet somehow when you are asked the same question while experiencing long suffering, the good and right answers just seem out of place somehow. Maybe, it is because only in suffering is the question we asked truly answered. It is the heart in which both of you and Joe's mom can truly hurt for parents who have just lost the son they so deeply loved. Because they have spent time, however it is measured, in the same world. I am so sorry that this journey continues to be marked with so many hard days and nights. I know that this is a time when you both are searching out God and rightly so...May you find Him to be a God who speaks to you in this time of intense struggle and long suffering. We are praying for the healing and restoration of Ira and your family. the Roy's

3:22 PM  
Blogger RD said...

Want to say "thanks" to you for covering for your friend. I can tell from your detailed descriptions that you, too, have become well acquainted with Ira's environment. I want to encourage you as you support Joe and the family... "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer... Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."

12:12 PM  
Blogger Lisa M. said...

Oh we have walked simular roads.

We'll pray for Ira.

Our Ethan was an ECMO patient, and that is how I came across this page, was doing a search for surviving ECMO babies.

You'll be in our prayers.

5:55 PM  

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