Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Get Thee Behind Me, RSV!

RSV, you are not welcome here so go home. And one more thing, quit botherin' folks!

This time last year, Ira was in the hospital. He stopped breathing at 11 PM on Christmas Eve. We called 911. We went to a local emergency room where they intubated Ira. After hours there, we were transported to Children's. Laura and I sat by his bed as the doctors struggled to stabilize Ira. My eyes were glued to the monitor that showed Ira's oxygenation level and heartrate. We watched those numbers for hours. Hours became days. Days became months. Of the four months Ira would spend in the hospital, Ira was sedated for at least two of them.

As for today? Ira's strong, feeling great, not throwing up, laughing, making messes, getting on his sister's nerves, chasing our dog, and generally being the 20 month old that he's supposed to be. Unlike last year, it's been a very merry Christmas.

So RSV, take note, our boy ain't having it this time around. Got it?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I show everyone Ira's video of him flying around the apartment! It is just so wonderful that he is doing so well. If it were not for you and Laura taking such good care of him and helping him grow stronger....

I am glad your Christmas was so wonderful. I hope you got pictures. Can you believe I did not get pictures? I was just so busy getting things done I didn't even think of it. I am still waiting to hear from people who were here to see if they got pictures!


8:49 AM  

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